How A.I. Conquered Poker
The question of “How A.I. Conquered Poker” is one that’s posed to poker players for years, but the technology has only recently become a reality. Researchers at Facebook’s AI research lab in New York City developed a system called Pluribus, which competed against thirteen poker professionals. It was successful, winning nearly $480 per hundred hands – roughly the same amount as a top professional human.
The book explains the evolution of artificial intelligence in poker. The researchers behind Amii, a poker player-bot company, have collaborated with the Computer Poker Research Group (CPRG) to make poker better than ever before. These researchers have been able to change the way poker is played at the highest level. It also details the history of using mathematical formulas to determine optimal poker strategies and cites the work of John von Neumann.
In a recent game of Texas Hold’em, artificial intelligence system Pluribus surpassed the best poker players in history. The robot was created in collaboration with Facebook AI and Carnegie Mellon University. It was the first AI game to compete against multiple players. While AI has been successfully used to solve many problems, it remains difficult to teach a computer to play poker. Even so, a top-notch poker player can defeat artificial intelligence.
The desire to optimize poker started in 1944 with the publication of “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior” by economist Oskar Morgenstern and mathematician John von Neumann. This paper shows that poker players were prone to taking advantage of this information, which is a fundamental obstacle to good decision-making. It also profiles poker players who have successfully adopted AI as a strategy. It’s a fascinating read for all poker players, and a great read for anyone interested in the evolution of artificial intelligence in poker.
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